February 9, 2015

Feb. 2, 2015

Hola Familia!
Sounds like you're all having a great week. Thanks for signing me up for classes and getting everything worked out for me, I really appreciate it. 
 Jake, good luck with basketball! I'm sure you're the ALL STAR of your team! TJ congrats on your arrow of light! 

This was another awesome week with Hermana Alonso. I seriously love how much we're progressing together! She's an amazing missionary and I'm learning a lot. 

More than anything, I'm just so happy for the S. family this week! I already told you all about what happened last weekend...If you saw them now you'd think they were a completely different couple. Seriously. On Thursday, they were the FIRST ones at the chapel, waiting for us to arrive. Hna Alonso, Hna Lily (my pensionist) and I sang Come Follow Me.... they made me have a solo and I was super nervous, but it turned out fine. The spirit was so strong, especially when Maria bore her testimony. I felt soooo blessed in that moment to see how that family has progressed in the Gospel. 

We're still working with J. and M.... they each have unique challenges but I'm positive that they'll get baptized. Please just pray for them.

This week, we also came in contact with a family that we visited twice at the beginning of the transfer. For some reason or another we lost contact with them for over a month. Well, the other day, the mom, J., ran into us in the street and asked us to come visit the family. We went to visit and found out that they're in debt and working double. We gave them the promises of the Sabbath day and invited them to come to church and not work on Sunday. They came, and they absolutely loved it. They've gone to tons of different churches searching for the truth. They loved church so much that they invited us over for lunch. Since they're investigators, we couldn't turn them down and Jenny cooks REALLY well. We were so happy to be with them! They accepted a baptismal date for the 28th...so just pray for them too. We want to help this gorgeous family of four! J. also told me that the first night when we visited them and had a Noche de Hogar, is something that they've never forgotten as a family...that they absolutely love us for bringing they're family closer together. 

I love Barrio Pedro Beltran and I love my comp, I love this work! I've learned so much in this cambio and it's flown by. I can't believe we're starting week six right now! 

Love you guys and hope you have an amazing week! Thanks for all your support and your prayers,

Hermana Carr 

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